3M™ 051115-54907 Ready-To-Use Fire Block Foam, 12 fl-oz Aerosol Can, Orange
Silicone Foam
/ ea
- http://www.3m.com(Seller Home Page URL)
- Safety Data Sheet URL - ?gsaAction=msdsSRA&msdsLocale=en_US(Safety Data Sheet URL)
- Seller Home Page URL - Country(Seller Home Page URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - 11579_P2K3TVD84RAW9OIF.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Spec Sheet URL - 3m-fire-block-foam-fb-foam-technical-data-sheet.pdf(Spec Sheet URL)
- Tech Drawing URL - 11579_18909.pdf(Tech Drawing URL)
- Tech Drawing URL - mediawebserver?mwsId=SSSSSufSevTsZxtUOY_9lY_GevUqevTSevTSevTSeSSSSSS--(Tech Drawing URL)
- Features
Draftstop - helps reduce air infiltration |
Heat resistant up to 240 deg F |
Thermal insulator - R-Value of 4 to 5 per inch typical |
Tack-free in approximately 5 min |
Expands up to 200% in volume to quickly and effectively seal openings |
Sag resistant formulation |
Excellent adhesion - bonds to concrete, brick, metals, wood, plastic and cable jacketing |
Minimal shrinkage and sag-resistance help ensure longevity |
Very good adhesion |
1 lb/cu-ft core density |
165 g/l VOC |
15 months shelf life |