6 items
64409 MFG #: 221-BStaco120.96000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 221-B
- Harmonization Tariff Schedule Code: 8504.31.4065
- Returnable: Y
810.00000 / ea
- Application: Economically match system and machine operating voltages where isolation isn't required.
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
3160.00000 / ea
- Application: Economically match system and machine operating voltages where isolation isn't required.
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
3940.00000 / ea
- Application: Economically match system and machine operating voltages where isolation isn't required.
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
994521 MFG #: Y150PKCHPS (Hammond Power Solutions)2870.00000 / ea
- Application: Economically match system and machine operating voltages where isolation isn't required.
- ARRA Compliant: C
- Buy American Compliant: C
877759 MFG #: 1210BStaco436.73000 / ea
- Catalog Number: 1210B
- Harmonization Tariff Schedule Code: 8504.32.0000
- Returnable: N