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Keys to Optimize Your Control Panel

ERIFLEX works to reduce total cost of ownership and improve the integrity of electrical systems by optimizing the design of low-voltage power and grounding connections to create the next generation of power distribution systems that are easier to build, faster to install, and feature improved reliability and safety.

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Innovative Power Connections

With advances in power distribution and connection technology, flexible and easier-to-install power solutions for low-voltage industrial applications save you from heavy lifting, wasted time and unnecessary costs, thanks to improved performance and long-term reliability.

Flexible Solutions Create End-to-End Ease

The complete product range includes the game-changing flexible busbar wire replacement solution, ERIFLEX FLEXIBAR, designed to reduce weight and space and make cleaner connections using fewer materials. Easily formed, the innovative busbar requires less installation space compared to cable, and reduces length and number of conductors required. Additionally, the ERIFLEX line offers insulated braided conductors, distribution and power blocks, busbar supports, insulators, and accessories.

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Easier Than Ever to Adapt – And Adopt

Innovative ERIFLEX products and accessories streamline control panel assembly and installation. Learning how to utilize the products within an enclosure design requires little training, and most technicians find it easy to adapt and adopt.

Getting And Staying Ahead of The Competition

Electrical contractors who leverage the innovative, flexible technology for power distribution and grounding will quickly gain competitive advantage. Because of installation speed, high-quality electrical connections and long-term reliability, early adopters will quickly see the bottom-line benefits, and be better positioned to stay ahead of the competition.

Streamline Your Panel Connections With ERIFLEX

ERIFLEX low-voltage power and grounding connections are the next-generation alternatives to bulky wire and cable. ERIFLEX products and accessories streamline control panel assembly and installation. They require less space than traditional wire and cable, optimizing panel design and reducing overall size and weight.

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For more info about ERIFLEX Power Connectors call 1-800-STEINER (783-4637) to speak with a Steiner application engineer.