4 items
13.35000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: GMT-1/2A
- Application: Other IT and Datacom - IT and Datacomm - Other
- ARRA Compliant: C
12.69000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: GMT-2A
- Application: Other IT and Datacom - IT and Datacomm - Other
- ARRA Compliant: C
833929 MFG #: GMT-3/4ABussmann13.61000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: GMT-3/4A
- Application: Other IT and Datacom - IT and Datacomm - Other
- ARRA Compliant: C
707342 MFG #: 0481010.HXLPLittelfuse®5.93000 / ea
- Application: Telecommunicationso and control panel circuits
- ARRA Compliant: N
- Body Size: 0.77 in H x 0.665 in W