Order Approval allows you to set up authorized managers to review and approve orders submitted by other website users at your company before the orders are sent to Steiner.
Important Note: The Order Approval process prevents an order from being sent to Steiner until the 'Approver' completes the checkout process to place the order.
Follow the steps below to manage Order Approval.
A temporary Web Order Number is assigned and the 'Submitter' can visit the 'Order Approval' page to view all their pending orders.
The 'Order Approval' page can be accessed by hovering over the ‘Person’ icon in the header and clicking the ‘Order Approval’ link from the dropdown menu.
Upon submitting an order for approval, an email notification is sent to the assigned 'Approver' with the order request. The 'Approver' can click the link provided in the email to view the new order request or view all pending orders requests.
The 'My Account' quick menu can be accessed by hovering over the ‘Person’ icon in the header. Click the ‘Order Approval’ link in the menu.
Alternatively, you can access Order Approval by clicking the ‘Order Approval’ link in the lefthand navigation of the ‘My Account’ page.
After logging into the website, the 'My Account' quick menu can be accessed by hovering over the ‘Person’ icon in the header. Click the ‘Order Approval’ link.
Alternatively, you can access Order Approval by clicking the ‘Order Approval’ link in the lefthand navigation of the ‘My Account’ page.
Note: clicking the link from an order approval request email will take you directly to the 'Order Approval' page. You may be prompted to sign in before being directed to the 'Order Approval' page.
You may use a variety of criteria to sort the list of orders pending approval. Click the 'Search Orders +' button to reveal search and sort options.
To access the details of an order pending your approval, click the 'Date' or 'Order #' link of the order.
On the 'Order Approval Details' page, click the the 'Decline Order' or 'Approve Order' button.
Note: To edit quantities, add or delete items on an order you must first click the 'Approve Order' button and then make adjustments on the subsequent 'Cart' page that renders.
The role of 'Approver' can be assigned to users by your company's Steiner web account administrator.
Users that require approval before orders are sent to Steiner, referred to as 'Submitter' above, should be assigned the role of 'Buyer 1' in the 'User Administration' section of the website.
Users that are going to act as the 'Approver' should be assigned the Role of either 'Administrator' or 'Buyer 3'.
To assign a web account administrator and enable User Administration access, contact your Steiner sales associate to request administration permission for the appropriate employee(s) at your company. More than one employee can be authorized as an administrator.
Please refer to the User Administration web tips for a tutorial on how to assign user roles.
For more Web Tips to help you manage your Steiner account click here.