40 items
1236278 MFG #: 5732860Sandvik Coromant32.52000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-16AC01F120 1020
- Catalog Number: 5732860
- Finish: PVD-TiN Coated
1236277 MFG #: 5732864Sandvik Coromant31.73000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-16AC01F160 1020
- Catalog Number: 5732864
- Country of Origin: SE
1236271 MFG #: 5732908Sandvik Coromant25.39000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-16NJ01-140 1020
- Catalog Number: 5732908
- Country of Origin: SE
1236285 MFG #: 5733488Sandvik Coromant32.52000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-16SA01F080 1020
- Catalog Number: 5733488
- Finish: PVD-TiN Coated
43.67000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-22VM01-001 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734028
- Corner Radius: 0.0188 in
1235788 MFG #: 5734071Sandvik Coromant23.95000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-16WH01-200 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734071
- Finish: PVD-TiN Coated
1235790 MFG #: 5734075Sandvik Coromant25.39000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-16WH01-280 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734075
- Country of Origin: SE
1235800 MFG #: 5734089Sandvik Coromant23.95000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-16WH01-080 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734089
- Finish: PVD-TiN Coated
1235799 MFG #: 5734093Sandvik Coromant23.95000 / ea
- ANSI Code: L166.0G-16WH01-100 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734093
- Finish: PVD-TiN Coated
1235805 MFG #: 5734434Sandvik Coromant29.36000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: L166.0L-11MM01-050 1020
- ANSI Code: L166.0L-11MM01-050 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734434
29.36000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: L166.0L-11MM01-075 1020
- ANSI Code: L166.0L-11MM01-075 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734436
29.36000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: L166.0L-11MM01-100 1020
- ANSI Code: L166.0L-11MM01-100 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734438
29.36000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: L166.0L-11MM01-125 1020
- ANSI Code: L166.0L-11MM01-125 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734440
29.36000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: L166.0L-11MM01-150 1020
- ANSI Code: L166.0L-11MM01-150 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734443
29.36000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: L166.0L-11MM01-175 1020
- ANSI Code: L166.0L-11MM01-175 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734444
29.36000 / ea
- Alternate Catalog Number: L166.0L-11MM01-200 1020
- ANSI Code: L166.0L-11MM01-200 1020
- Catalog Number: 5734446